
Hello, my name is David Kellerman… Well, my Steam name of course.

Welcome to my website!

BELOW you will find information about me such as, What Games I Play, Site navigation, and some small FAQ’s.

At the TOP RIGHT, you will see a navigation bar that will link you to THIS page, my STEAM profile (which will open in another tab), and a page where you can CONTACT ME.

What games do I play?

Most of the games I play are on steam. HERE is a direct link to all of the games I own on steam!

At the moment I frequently play,

  • Rust , I currently have over 2,600 hours
  • Garry’s Mod, I currently have over 4,100 hours

Apart from the games stated above I also play,

  • CS:GO , I currently have over 1,300 hours
  • PUBG , I currently have over 450 hours
  • GTA V , I currently have over 160 hours

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How old are you?:
    • Currently, I’m 22 years old
  • Can I add you on discord or steam?:
    • Sure! But your friend request will most likely be denied. I have my DMs open on discord and my comments section open on steam. Along with a CONTACT ME page on my website. If you need to contact me, feel free to contact me there
  • Can we play a game together or something?:
    • Usually, no… I only ACTIVELY play 2 games. I don’t play games a lot, and if I do it’s mainly due to administration or if I’m playing with a friend :). If you’re already on my friends list then feel free to msg me and see if I would like to play
  • What music do I listen to?:
    • Hip Hop/Rap, at the moment I’m on a heavy rotation of Post Malone and Juice WRLD (RIP). Links to their Spotify Playlists are below.